Fran Navarro
Francisco José Navarro García
September 2, 2020

I reached the top of Malt

Image Description
“ I am Super Malter 3 “

It seems like just yesterday when I reached the level of Super Malter 1 and was named Malt Selection. It's true that only 3 months have passed, but they have been 3 months of hard work and a lot of motivation, which is why I have been able to reach my goal.

As you may remember from my previous post, to level up as a Super Malter, you need to complete a certain number of projects, always with a minimum rating of 4.5 stars (it resets every year).

I have met these requirements and with flying colors. As of today, I have 11 projects with the highest rating from my clients.

I am very happy with the platform and the clients I work with on Malt. Every day they send me better projects and every day I receive better feedback from clients.

There is no Super Malter 4, 3 is the top, so I won't be able to keep competing for more medals, 😂😂😂, but I will continue working hard to keep accumulating the highest ratings from my clients.

The benefits of being a Super Malter 3 are:

Visibility x10:
  • Multiplies my profile views by 10 in Malt's algorithm, positioning me better for potential clients.
Dedicated Representative:
  • I have a member of the Malt team, an expert in my profession, who accompanies me and helps me find the projects I am looking for on Malt
VIP Invitations:
  • VIP invitations to events and conferences. Malt offers me tickets to exclusive events or specialized conferences to consolidate my network and continue my training.
About the author
Fran Navarro

Francisco José Navarro García

Francisco José Navarro García is the co-founder and CEO of AtalayaSoft and an experienced iOS software engineer with over 23 years in software development. Specializing in native iOS applications, Francisco has a rich background working with high-profile clients such as Banco Santander, Fox International Channel, Repsol, and National Geographic.